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Christian Fellowship Center Church
A Bilingual Church serving Millville, Vineland & Bridgeton, New Jersey!
What We Believe
The Scriptures are Inspired
The Scriptures, both Old & New Testament, as Escrituras, are inspired by God and are the revelation of God
The One & Only True God
The one and only true God has revealed himself as eternal and self-existing.
The Trinity
We believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are three in one.
The only way to be saved is by acepting the sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross. By His blood we are saved. We believe Jesus died and resurected on the third day and that one day Jesus will return again.
Baptism in Water and Communion
Baptism in water symbolizes forgiveness of sin and a new life in Christ. Communion is done commemorating the death of Christ until He returns again.
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